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Jazlyn Lindsay

Digital Reporter/Content Producer

Cell: 313-773-5203




Wayne State University

B.A. Journalism w/ Concentration in Broadcast Journalism, Minor in Communication Studies, December 2017


Macomb Community College

Associates Degree: General Studies, May 2014



KRCG 13 (Jefferson City, MO)                                                             November 2018-present

Digital Reporter/ Content Producer

Experience in shooting, writing, and editing content to be aired on newscasts and social media platforms. Broadcast live content via social media. Post videos, embedded tweets from reporters, and web stories to the KRCG 13 website. Push content on various digital platforms via KRCG 13 Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram, and phone app. Created a digital segment called “Mo Trends” to share trending stories with targeted audiences on social media. Experience with CrowdTangle, iNews, Avid Media Composer making sure KRCG 13 consistently leads the market with social media


Detroit PAL (Detroit, MI)                                                                       February 2018-November 2018

Digital Multimedia Journalist/ Sports Writer

Wrote feature & spotlight stories on coaches and athletes published on the Detroit PAL website. Conduct interviews with staff and community on public events. Shoot and photograph community and athletic events held at PAL stadium. Assisted with grand opening of the Corner Ball Park presented by Adient at the Old Tiger Stadium. Post pictures & live videos of athletic events on Detroit PAL’s social media platforms. Post updates of events, scores, stories on Twitter. Created YouTube platform to attract audiences to “Girls Changing the Game” campaign, which highlighted young female athletics. Networked with WXYZ Channel 7 Action News reporter Nia Harden.


WDIV Local 4 News (Detroit, MI)                                                         September 2017-December 2017

Special Projects Producer Trainee

Worked alongside producers logging interview, conducted Man On the Street interviews with Emmy Award winning Photojournalist Jamal Bransford, conducted interviews for Help Me Hank consumer segments, worked alongside reporters Nick Monacelli and Emmy Award winning Koco McAboy covering breaking news on house fires. Trained under Monacelli and McAboy writing packages, doing live shots, and editing packages. Received training and instruction from reporter/anchor Jason Colthorp on writing compelling sports packages.


WDET Public Radio (Detroit, MI)                                                           January 2018-February 2018

News Intern

Working under News Director Jerome Vaughn researching stories, interviewing news sources, finding potential interviewees.


MetroArts Detroit (Detroit Public Television)                                            January 2017-May 2017

Associate Producer

Worked under the direction of Dr. Kimmerly Piper-Aiken researching potential guests for show, wrote guest invitation letters, organized appearance forms and stage contracts, wrote interview questions, contributed to MetroArts social media accounts on Instagram and Facebook. Developed stage displays and background layouts for television audience.



Microsoft: Word, PowerPoint, Excel            

Social Media: Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, CrowdTangle

Editing: Avid Media Composer, Adobe Premiere Pro, Edius          

Other: iNews, Axis, Media Central



Demo Reel:



*References upon Request*



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